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    +1 (347) 656-62-73

Truck clutch repair

How the clutch works. The signs of breakdown. The need for testing.

The clutch in a commercial vehicle works by frictional force and sliding rotations through the friction clutch. That is, in a truck, the clutch system coordinates the smoothness of gear switching, dampens vibrations, and is responsible for short-term disconnections from the engine flywheel. Therefore, a breakdown of the mechanism leads to a number of serious problems with the vehicle as a whole. Clutch testing is recommended as part of every scheduled service. Also, the driver should be aware of the main signs of malfunctions and immediately respond to them as necessary.

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Features of the system.

The clutch is inextricably linked with a number of other automotive systems and components. It coordinates the work of:

  • the drive disk;
  • forks and drives;
  • the engine flywheel;
  • the pressure disk or basket;
  • the release bearing.

During active operation of the vehicle, the fork presses on the bearing, which transmits a signal to the basket spring (which looks like a diaphragm). This causes the above elements to bend towards the flywheel, separating the edges of the spring from the basket. At the same moment, the transmission of torque from the engine to the gearbox stops. Lowering the clutch pedal will restore the normal engagement of the mechanisms, and the transfer of rotations to the box. An expert must understand the principles of operation of each individual element, and know how to successfully disassemble and assemble the units.

Breakage signs:

The clutch usually starts to fail as a result of frequent sharp maneuvers, poor road quality, or aggressive driving. The following symptoms indicate malfunctions:

  • constant gear slippage;
  • whistling during use;
  • lack of gear engagement;
  • no start after gear shifting.

We need comprehensive diagnostics to determine exactly which details are the problems, whether they need to be replaced or repaired, and what actual work is needed. Replacement of the fork, release bearing, basket, cable and/or disc may be required. Truck Service specialists will perform quick repairs, restoration of the truck, and replace any worn out parts. Most of the popular items are in stock, so you don"t have to wait long.

Another important point about diagnostics is even when the characteristic symptoms are present, even a competent master cannot always determine the problem just by sight. For example, during a hydraulic clutch, the pedal falls to the floor; this problem can be clearly seen. The technician should conduct comprehensive testing in order to determine the area of ​​the defect as accurately as possible, and not simply act based on assumptions. Errors of this kind lead to incomplete troubleshooting. The failure of the pedal is solved by replacing the hose and cylinder, and pumping the CCGT.

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Positive aspects of working with us.

Our Truck Repair Shop company can perform repair work of any complexity in a short time.

Other advantages of the company:

  • Immediate response - time is money, and we will not keep you waiting. An expert does not delay the process of diagnostics and repair.
  • Reasonable prices for services - Prices are justified, understandable and transparent.
  • Availability of a wide range of components at reasonable prices - right at the company"s warehouse.
  • To order a repair, you need to send an online request or contact the dispatcher by phone. Check the model, make, year of manufacture of the truck, and signs of malfunctions that you found immediately. The foreman will carry out diagnostics and repairs on the spot, explain the complexity of the breakdown and the scope of the work, and will guide you on the price. Recovery time depends on the action plan and the availability of components. After diagnostics, you can refuse the repair if the price is not satisfactory.

    Check the exact prices with the managers by phoe +1 (347) 656-62-73

Call: (347) 656-6273